Happy Woman Standing Outdoors against the Hot Air Balloons

Say Yes To You

Unlock Your Inner Goddess: ​Embrace Creativity, Release ​Stress, and Uplevel Your Life ​with EmpoweredYOU

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Are you ready to ​elevate your ​life?

Discover the Resilience and Strength You Already Have and Transform Your ​Life!

Are you tired of feeling like life is passing you by in a whirlwind of obligations and ​responsibilities? Do you long for a sanctuary of serenity where you can escape the ​chaos and reconnect with your true self? If you're a fabulous lady in your 40s ​feeling overwhelmed by the demands of modern life, it's time to take a deep ​breath and listen closely. The solution you've been searching for is right here, ​within your grasp. Welcome to EmpoweredYOU - where creativity reigns, stress ​dissolves, and your journey to a more fulfilling life begins.

A Woman Laughing


Bring back YOUR zest for life

What’s Inside ​EmpowerYO​U

EmpowerYOU isn’t just a course; it’s ​your roadmap to a stronger, more ​resilient, and more empowered you. ​Here’s what you’ll find inside

Crescent Moon Shape Icon
Golden Crescent Moon
Golden Butterfly
Gold Glitter Butterfly
Gold Glitter Star


Pink gold butterfly
Golden Butterfly

Create a future that’s worth being part of for yourself and those around you.


Journal + Interactive ​Workbook and Templates

Part One

Picture this

Picture this: You're sitting at your cluttered desk, surrounded by ​endless to-do lists and deadlines looming overhead. Your ​phone buzzes incessantly with notifications, each one adding ​to the mounting pressure of keeping up with the demands of ​work, family, and everything in between. In the midst of this ​chaos, you catch a glimpse of your neglected journal tucked ​away in a corner, gathering dust. You remember a time when ​you used to fill its pages with dreams, doodles, and heartfelt ​musings, but now it sits abandoned, a silent reminder of the ​creative spark that once ignited your soul. Sound familiar?


Know what's in and out from industry insiders.

You're not alone. Studies show that women in their 40s often​ struggle with overwhelm and a lack of creative outlet, leading​ to increased stress levels and a sense of disconnection from​ their passions. But fear not, dear friend, for EmpoweredYOU is​ here to reignite that flame and guide you back to a life filled​ with purpose, joy, and limitless creativity.​


Know what's in and out from a coaching master.


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Know what's in and out from industry insiders.

Module II

VALUES - Through a 90 min one on one coaching session gives you an opportunity to dig into your values and uncover what truly matters.

Knowing what makes you you, what upsets you, fills you with joy and triggers you is valuable for your self trust and love.


Module III

LIFE BLUEPRINT - you now have the tools so we end our sessions with a 60 minute hands on session to create a blue print for your life that works with you to keep you on track and loving life

We challenge what is working for you? What isn’t? We uncover the reality of what your version of a fulfilling life might be like.

You walk away with tested tools that help you live the life you want.

Hi, I am Jodie!

Welcome! I'm Jodie, the heart and soul behind Creative Mindset Collective. As a ​passionate advocate for mindful living and creative self-expression, I'm on a ​mission to empower overwhelmed women like you to embrace their authenticity, ​reclaim their joy, and live a life that feels deeply fulfilling and meaningful.

My own journey to self-discovery and empowerment began when I found myself ​caught in the whirlwind of modern life, yearning for something more than the daily ​grind. Feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from my true essence, I knew there ​had to be a better way to navigate life's challenges and find inner peace amidst ​the chaos.

Drawing upon my love for creativity, nature, and holistic well-being, I embarked on ​a transformative quest to cultivate a more mindful and soul-aligned lifestyle. ​Through practices such as meditation, journaling, and connecting with nature, I ​discovered a profound sense of clarity, purpose, and connection with my inner ​wisdom.

Now, I'm here to share the wisdom and insights gained from my own journey with ​you. Whether you're seeking to reignite your creative spark, cultivate a deeper ​connection with yourself and the world around you, or simply find moments of ​peace and joy in your daily life, I'm here to guide and support you every step of the ​way.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where together, we'll ​unlock the magic within and create a life that truly honors your soul's deepest ​desires.



What you will learn:


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your passport to a world where creativity knows no bounds and stress becomes a distant memory. More than ​just a daily practice, EmpoweredYOU is a transformative journey tailored specifically for fabulous ladies like you ​who are ready to reclaim their power and reignite their passion for life. This isn't just about carving out time for ​creativity; it's about embracing a boho-inspired lifestyle that nourishes your soul, rejuvenates your spirit, and ​empowers you to live your best life on your own terms. With EmpoweredYOU, you'll discover a treasure trove of ​tools, techniques, and rituals designed to awaken your inner goddess, banish overwhelm, and infuse every ​moment with beauty, meaning, and purpose. Say goodbye to stress and hello to a life of boundless creativity, ​confidence, and joy. Welcome to the sisterhood of EmpoweredYOU - where every day is a canvas waiting to be ​painted with the colors of your dreams.

I Want This



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123 Anywhere St., Any City

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(123) 456 7890